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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Falsas Ilusiones Históricas

History essentially is the study of all events and occurrences in the passage of time. History is everlasting and can never end. It is the study of evolution, man and also sometimes even words. so it is a large mix of Etymology, Anthropology, science, even Ornithology and Orology in some areas.
Throughout the course of history there have been different beliefs in people. For example, today people believe in technology and that the government actually helps us daily.
381 years ago people believed that the way to enrichment was by the trade of tulips.
375 years ago people thought that the way enrichment was by putting all their trust on a gambler, influential, bankrupted man called John Law.
79 years ago people thought that the way to enrichment, power and fame is by depositing trust into a dictator who was a drug addict, a racist, a sadist, and surprisingly short.

We are full of delusions. We are still enslaved by political, social and cultural dogmas and traditions which we cannot change unless we try. Back in the olden times, a woman called Mother Shipton predicted the fire of London and London flooding. A couple of astrologers predicted the world to end on 21st December, 2012. People believed the best way to heal sword cuts was to take a magnet, place it in soil with seeds and the water used to clean the wounds must be used to water the seeds. Can you imagine that today?
But today we are in much more serious delusions than scimitar wounds. We trust technology a little to much. Take the coming of driverless cars controlled by programming. What is a driverless car? It is a car controlled by a computer. One can hack a computer no matter how strong the firewall is. All it takes is one ISIS tech genius to hack into the computers and soon several cars will drive off cliffs. Death Valley will seem like a Japanese cherry blossom festival form that point of view.
We believe whatever is ear candy for us. take India for example. For the last elections, so many promises were made but India has hardly shown any increase in two years. It is not easy to judge but a population of 1.3 billion only producing 50,000 crore Rupees per annum in taxes is very sad. But then again, a lot of the population does not pay tax due to minimum income requisites. But what is more annoying is that an insanely large part if the tax payers do not pay tax as well. Due to this, the Prime minister had to demonetise the currency and remove 500 and 1000 Rupee notes to irritate the black markets. But one way or the other, humans always, always, always take situations like these, make them incentives and take advantage and all measures to beat the incentive. This has worked very well and someone or the other always finds loopholes in plans. That is the reason Murphy's Law states,' In any field of endeavour, anything that can go wrong will go wrong.' also,'Nature always sides with the hidden flaws.'

I hope we can overcome this blind faith in delusions and political bureaucrats because they will be the cause of our undoing. Before believing in people, assess the situation in your own way and in you own sense. Don't count on anybody to help you in life or make you money. The world is cruel and everything is fair. The word 'honour' is found amongst thieves and pirates only, even though it seems to be ironic. Even if fifty million people tell you something, it can yet be wrong and don't expect zebras when you hear galloping.