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Sunday, 18 November 2018

beautiful girls and gangster boys

Lets conduct an experiment. I’m an examiner and I sit you down a soundproof room and I ask you to solve 5 very difficult questions. No other information is given to you. Outside the room, all of your social media followers are gathered. The attendant tells them that you are in the room and are about to solve 5 very difficult questions. If you get any of them wrong, you die and all your followers die along with you. However, your followers have an option to unfollow you. If all your followers unfollow you, the moment your follower count hits zero, you die whether or not you answer all questions correctly or not. 
What do you think will happen? Will you die? Or will you survive? 
I, for one, can honestly say that even if I got all the questions correct, I would die and I am certain that you would die as well. There is literally nobody who trusts you with their lives. But this experiment is too extreme. Replace the the deaths by expulsion from school. Would you still survive? No. 
Replace the expulsion with being charged $100. Would you survive? no. 
See? You’re not that important. 
It’s crazy what people do for followers and likes. They put on these masks to disguise their boring and ordinary selves to look high and mighty. 
I attended several parties this month and saw people from several schools in Mumbai. All the girls looked pretty, on my phone. But when I saw them in reality, it was a sorry scene. All the boys looked gangster, on my phone. But when I saw them in reality, they just wanted to attract those “pretty online” girls. But of course, with a fake face, comes a need for attention, and the “pretty online” girls gave that to the “gangster online” boys. Every party I went to, it was a repeated scene of disappointment as if it had become a cycle. 
But when it boils down to the bare essentials, all of this is just a desperate grab for likes, followers and attention. Why show off your amazing body transformation in five months? Why show off your amazing figure 32 times in 32 pictures? If people I meet online were part of my experiment, I wonder how many of their gangster boyfriends or beautiful girlfriends would save them, when even parents hesitate to continue following their children. Whoever I’m writing about knows who they are.
I can go on and on with my edgy ideologies but I should stop before I get hate from people again. 
Conclusion: look for something genuine. It does not matter if you don’t have the most beautiful girlfriend or the most gangster boyfriend. As long as you can be walk around without feeling the need to hide them, its okay. It dos not matter what you like or hate, even if it goes against what everybody around you does. As long as you like it and can get lost in it for hours, it fine. I’m tired of people criticising things I like and do, so I just block their opinions out. Don’t try to put on a mask online. Its okay if you’re not beautiful or you’re not gangster.

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