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Monday, 6 February 2017

About beliefs

Call it a dogma, superstition, faith or religion, we always have something we believe in without knowing the reason behind it. There are an infinite number of evidences of it in India. India is the land of several religions but we have yet to learn rationality and not be set back by blind thoughts and beliefs.
As Tagore put it in his 'Where the Mind is Without Fear' which I learnt about in my tenth grade-
"where the clear steam of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert of dead habit"
Here 'stream' is compared to the rational mind which should not be dirtied or must not lose its way in the 'dreary desert of dead habit' or superstition or blind beliefs.
We have learnt in previous experiences that our parents have told us things about religion, or social beliefs. How many times have hindus been told that the Pandavas were the truth and the Kauravas were cheats and deceptive or that Rama was righteous and Ravana was cruel?
Why do we fall for these dogmas or blind faiths?
In a simple way, it gives us something to believe in. If you were to tell people and prove that God does not exist then it would occur as a heart attack to them. God is one aspect almost the whole world believes in. We are taught to believe in God since our childhood but we never questioned our parents about these beliefs.
It's not wrong to believe in these faiths and superstitions because as mentioned above, we get something to believe in. We get something to trust in and as humans, Need something to believe in. It gives us purpose in life. Imagine a life in which you never believed in anything and carried forward in your life as a solemn trance. It would be like living in the fields of asphodel. The same thing over and over again with nothing new.
Believing in things teaches us new things about it everyday. You may learn something new about the lord everyday. Almost everyday my mother tells me stories about god.
But there are some beliefs in India about the society like untouchability and classism. Indians of a higher standard refuse to socialise with people of somewhat lower classes. In villages, the caste system prevails as well. These are terrible faiths to believe in and it would be best to raise our head over them. we must rationally think about this. It is a severe problem in India. With a population of around 1.3 billion people, things like this are a hard to growth and development.
With this i'd like to say that no matter what happens, think with a clear thought and a rational mind for it is the only thing that will be your salvation or your bane.

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